"Have mercy upon me, O GOD, According to Your loving kindness; According to Your tender mercies. Blot out my transgressions." Psalms 51:1 remember this spoken from David? He sinned with Bathsheba and had her husband killed. GOD in his infinite mercy and wisdom restored and forgave David, declaring that David was the man after GOD'S own heart.See GOD said; "The sacrifices of GOD are a BROKEN SPIRIT, a BROKEN and a CONTRITE (repentant) HEART- these, O GOD, You will not despise.Psalms 51:17Father in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for the years Pastor Paul poured Your WORD onto the flock entrusted to him. We thank you even now for this fall. As a result of this fall HE WILL be restored with greater power and anointing. We are reminded of David a man after your own heart. He too fell from grace into sin. BUT GOD! You forgave. You are a forgiving GOD. One who takes and cast our sin as far as the east is from the west and you remember them no more. Thank you! Forgive us for judging Pastor Paul. Thank you for his heart that lay open before you broken and repentant.You stated in your word. "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted." Key words here are "you who are spiritual, in a spirit of gentleness" We can not restore Pastor Paul is we our self are not spiritual. Then GOD tells us in what manner to restore. The word continues on to give us the consequences if we do not restore. "Considering yourself lest you also be tempted" GOD is so good, HE tells us how.v2 "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Bear meaning carry or endure. Fulling the law of Christ means to love your neighbor (Pastor Paul) as your self. Would you want to be forgiven, not judged or ridiculed? How would you want to be treated?v3For if anyone (that's you!)thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing (we are all saved by the same grace) he deceives himself.v4But let each one (that's you!) EXAMINE HIS OWN WORK, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in ANOTHER.v5 For each one shall bear his own load. (TAKE HEED LEST YOU FALL)Pastor Paul, is a man who gave up the ministry, church for the sake of his relationship with his wife (I love you Meredith, blessed woman of GOD). Just as GOD gave up his life for the church (HIS WIFE). This will signify a truly repented heart. This man has put 20 years of service, was well known and affected the lives of many people. It was not an easy decision, a much agonizing one I am sure. But the mans heart was broken, with true repentance. My prayer is for full restoration and fellowship back into the ministry.satan, in the name of Jesus. We serve notice on you, GOD's will be done on earth at ALCF as it is in heaven. There is now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, we hide our self under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. He alone is our refuge and fortress. In HIM we PUT our TRUST. JESUS CHRIST will deliver us from your snare as we take shelter under HIS wings. Every assignment sent against the body of Christ is canceled by the blood of the redeeming lamb. Every decree, principalities, powers, territorial demonic forces, demonic plants sent against the body of ALCF is destroyed and nailed to the cross of Calvary. You have been disarmed by the power of the BLOOD. Every Jezebel spirit, perverse spirit, greed, seducing spirit, lust spirit you are bound and cast into outer darkness. You are further commanded to never return. Father we ask for your angelic host to surround Pastor Paul, his family and ALCF. Minister your love. Release you glory of prayer, true worship and praise. Take what satan has meant of evil and turn to your good. May ALCF be a light in the community of the word of GOD. Let all see that it was the word which of GOD on which the church was built. You said; "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD. It was the word in Pastor Paul, the WORD spoken that built ALCF. "Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will NOT PREVAIL. We declare it to be so LORD JESUS. AMEN!II Corthinans 7:1 "Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting HOLINESS in the fear of GOD".Clean your own homes. Do not allow gossip regarding this matter to infect your spiritual temple and give permission for satan to attack YOU!BTW
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Dear Enough Already,I am so sorry that Christians (all of whom you seem to lump together despite the many different viewpoints expressed) have let you down so dreadfully. There is definitely no simple definition of what it means to be a Christian, so our perspectives will definitely vary a bit. It's just not possible to easily explain such a vast concept. It's sort of like explaining a great, deep and meaningful relationship to someone else--words don't quite do it. It's something meant to be lived.However, Christianity is NEVER an excuse to act any way we fell like. No Christian in their right mind will ever make excuses for the likes of the damnable acts that you are listing. In fact, the reason we are even having this thread is because a Christian leader fully and unflinchingly took personal responsibility for his transgressions (the details of which are none of our business) and paid a pretty steep price for doing so. If it were OKAY (to quote you) to do these things, it would be business as usual and none of us would be any the wiser.Sorry if any of us gave you the impression that Satan has the power to control our minds. He does not! If this were a valid defense, then, once again, we would not be having this discussion thread. Christianity clearly asserts, and this pastor's example testifies, that we are responsible for our actions and that we will bear sometimes incredibly heavy consequences for them. Hence this pastor's taking full responsibility for his actions (maybe "cheating", maybe not--let's don't put words in the man's mouth now).I am duly impressed that you seem to be able to control your emotions and your own life. Either you are a much better person than anyone I've ever met, or perhaps you are living by a set of standards that are a bit more on the accommodating side. Alas, I fall short of the only standard that really matters. And I do need that pesky forgiveness that you mentioned. But if we gave the impression that it doesn't really matter what we do, then we definitely did you a grave disservice. If there were no responsibility for our actions, the concept of forgiveness itself would become instantly obsolete and nonsensical.If talking to our subconscious were the entire answer, the world would definitely be a better place. I agree with you that our subconscious, conscience or whatever we want to call that "little voice" can definitely be a veritable source of great insights and best of intentions. Unfortunately, once we know better, there's always cowardice, selfishness, indifference, bad predispositions, forgetfulness, etc, that will be at the ready to ruin the day--ours and that of others. Unfortunately, it appears that self cannot overcome self. Sometimes I just can't get over myself! It's at such times that it is mighty handy to be able to call on something greater than myself to come to my aid. I will agree, it is a bit of a mystery, but it works! I have seen the lives restored of people (myself included) who seemed to be beyond hope until they called on God for help. Those folks had a well-developed unconscious. They knew they were off track. But if that were all it took, we would all be nicer, happier and ten lb lighter.Anyway, few are the great communicators of deep spiritual truth (such as Paul S, the reason we are gathered here, before I completely forget). So I will be so bold as to apologize on behalf of all of us Christians who are not expressing ourselves too clearly. And if my attempts at explanation made it even worse, well, my bad I guess. Keep an open mind. Try not to lump us all together. Hopefully, someone else will come along and do a better job. Until then, Jesus loves you and we're trying--no joke!
Pastor Paul is a mighty man of God. Look at most of the Biblical characters and what they went through, but how God changed them, gave them a voice to speak and God mightly used them even greater. I am a member of ALCF and I will say I was stunned, shocked and speechless when I heard his letter that Pastor Wayne read to us. I remember on 6/14/09 Pastor Paul's sermon, " Enjoying the Favor of God", F stood for Fruitfullness - Be true to who God called me to be. Born an original, don't die a copy. Don't take on someone elses calling. Pray for Pastor Paul, he is being attacked. Every new level is a new devil. I truly admire Pastor Paul for resigning and wanting to restore his marriage to Sister Meridith and work on this. So many pastors sin and never admit it and still preach every Sunday from the pulpits. He is a man of integrity and even though he has sinned, as we all do. He will be back, he will rise above this and have a greater more powerful ministry. Very humble man and now he will be able to speak to those areas that most pastors truly don't touch. He will get back up, the enemy isn't going to win this one. God isn't done fulfilling the prophesy, that he would reach 1000's of unchurched for the Lord, that he would pastor in northern ca, and he would have a ministry called Enduring Truth. He will be back. He taught us to get back up, stay in the word of God, listen to God and let Him lead and guide us. God forgives and you will hear from this mighty man of God again. Allow him to get his healing, restore himself and marriage and then later will be his ministry. God isn't done yet. We pray for Pastor Paul and his wife daily and can't wait to see what God is going to do with these two and the platform that is going to be raised for them. God works all thing out for His good.We all need to lift our pastors up in prayer, pray for their protection against what is unspeakable and warrior angels to emcamp them. Pray for their eyes and what they see, their minds since this is where the enemy takes a foothold. Anyone can fall into temptation, anyone.God is in control and has allowed this for His greater plan and purpose. 2ff7e9595c